Change to FCM LDR rate for the SwapClear service

Report date

Circular No.

LCH Circular No 4062


19 November 2019


All SwapClear FCMs


Dear Member,

Pursuant to FCM Procedure 3.5.1, LCH Limited is writing to notify FCM SwapClear Clearing Members that FCM LDR for the SwapClear service will change to benchmark less the following spreads:


USD from 19bps to 10bps

EUR from 58bps to 30bps

GBP from 23bps to 0bps


These changes will become effective on 2 December 2019.


Please note, the foregoing change will not affect the ForexClear service, and FCM LDR for the ForexClear service will remain unchanged.


Please send any questions to:

Kind regards,

Collateral and Liquidity Management.