LCH Limited EquityClear Service - Clearing fee revision

Report date

Circular Number:

LCH circular number: 4174


15 October 2021


All LCH Limited EquityClear Clearing Members


Dear LCH Limited EquityClear Clearing Member,


We would like to advise you of the following changes to the LCH Limited (LCH) EquityClear fees, effective 1 November 2021:


OTC Trades:  EquityClear’s OTC Trade fee will be banded alongside clearing fees, replacing the current flat fee per trade of this type. In addition, the service will introduce a monthly cap of £20k on off-order book fees, per member group.  The bandings will be implemented as follows:


Clearing Volume Band

Off-Book Transaction Fee

Band 1

£ 0.080

Band 2

£ 0.080

Band 3

£ 0.080

Band 4

£ 0.080

Band 5

£ 0.060

Band 6

£ 0.050

Band 7

£ 0.045

Band 8

£ 0.040

Band 9

£ 0.040

Band 10

£ 0.030

Band 11

£ 0.030


For this purpose, “OTC Trade” means a trade, the terms of which are (a) agreed bilaterally outside a trading venue, and (b) submitted to such trading venue for execution or matching (off order book) in accordance with its rules.


Settlement fee: LCH will reduce the settlement fee in the following markets:


  • Denmark: from DKK24 per settlement to DKK14 per settlement
  • Germany: from EUR1.60 per settlement to EUR1.40 per settlement
  • Sweden: from SEK18.00 per settlement to SEK17.00 per settlement


The fee changes will be effective 01 November 2021 and will be updated at the following link:



If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the Securities Client Services Team at:


Yours sincerely,


Alex Krunic

Head of Equities, LCH Limited