LSEDM Static Data Forms

Report date

Circular No.

LCH Circular No 3801

Service Circular No

EquityClear Circular No 56


31st October 2016


All EquityClear and LSE-DM Members


LCH would like to inform its members that there is an updated version of LSEDM’s equity static data form available for new and prospective members.

The London Stock Exchange issued a market notice to its clients and details can be found within MARKET NOTICE 2016/071;

The form allows trading firms and their respective clearing members to specify exactly which products and services they wish to trade, clear and in some cases make physical settlements.

If you wish to update the information that LSEDM and LCH currently have for your trading, clearing and settlement requirements, please contact LSEDM or

Ian Mackenzie Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7426 7265, Email: or
Tim Beckwith Tel: + 44 (0) 207 426 7276, Email:

Yours Sincerely
Vikesh Patel, COO Equities, LCH.