SwapClear Clearing Member and Client Fee Tariffs

Report date

Circular No.

LCH Circular No 4002


31st December 2018


All SwapClear Members


Dear SwapClear Clearing Member,

LCH Limited (“LCH”) is delaying the effective date of the fee changes set forth in Circular No. 3996, dated 14 December 2018 (the “December Circular”). This is due to the U.S. federal government partial shutdown, its impact on the CFTC and the timeframe outlined in CFTC Rule 40.6(a) for self-certification of rules. The December Circular notified SwapClear Clearing Members, amongst other things, of forthcoming amendments to its fees for the clearing of non-deliverable interest rate swaps and the annual fees for its Platinum tariff. 

Therefore, LCH hereby informs SwapClear Clearing Members, effective 1 January 2019, it shall implement the fee changes set forth in Circular No. 3941, dated 6 April 2018, which were to be superseded by the amendments set forth in the December Circular. LCH shall provide an updated effective date of the fee changes detailed in the December Circular in due course.

Kind regards,

LCH Relationship Management

Terms used in this circular have the meanings ascribed to such in the Rulebook (available at www.lch.com). For the avoidance of doubt, the term “SwapClear Clearing Member” includes an “FCM Clearing Member”.