USD market
Please use the information provided below to find out more on the transition to new reference rates.
LCH support for Clients in relation to the ARRC Buy-Side Practical Implementation Checklist for SOFR Adoption
LCH’s Position in respect of Pre-cessation Triggers in relation to SwapClear
Listen to David Horner, Head of Risk for Rates Services, LCH participate on’s ‘Spotlight on SOFR’ webinar
SOFR as a benchmark - please review information provided by the ARRC and the FED
USD product eligibility presentation - download now
USD LIBOR fall back arrangements:
LCH’s position in respect of ISDA’s recommended Benchmark Fallback Approaches
ISDA final parameter
SOFR PAI / discounting transition - download now and refer to SOFR folder in the LCH secure area.
LCH clears first SOFR swaps