LCH.Clearnet Ltd - Collateral Management System – Maintenance

Report date

Circular No.        

LCH Circular No 3713


16th March 2016


LCH.Clearnet Ltd Members


Clearing Members are advised LCH.Clearnet Ltd. (LCH) is completing maintenance on the Collateral Management System (CMS) the weekend of 19th March.

As part of this maintenance, LCH will be deploying a fix to address a reduction in LCH STP processing relating to the cash instruction workflow. This relates to the Cash Deposit, Cash Withdrawal and Cash Transfer workflows.

This enables LCH.C to process instructions more efficiently and reduce the turnaround time particularly for members pre-funding cash collateral.

As a result of this fix, a new status (ASSIGNED) will be visible when looking at an instruction in CMS and those members that have subscribed to email status updates will also receive an additional notification beginning Monday 21st March.

For more details on the updated cash workflow please see the attached here.

Please contact Collateral Client Services for more information.

Collateral Client Services